The Change Starts With You

Make A Difference In the Lives Of These Children ... And You'll Make A Difference In A Nation!

Pastor Ken Murichio founded Royal Gathering Children's Centre in 2013, located in the village of Chebarus, to bring HOPE to the children of this poor community.

There has been exponential growth in the past 10 years, growing to 580 students in Primary grades. There are now 33 that are graduating to High School this coming year.

Presently in Kenya, you can only attend public education if you can pay the annual school fees, and buy uniforms. Many of the poor students cannot attend the public education available, so the poor have no hope to get out of the poverty that they were born in.  So giving them education, is giving them HOPE for a future!

Donation Amount

How to Sponsor a Child

How to Sponsor a Child

FIRST MONTH: A one time gift of $75 for a school uniform, medical wellness visit, and school supplies. Second Month & After: $50 a month to feed/care for your sponsored child.

Turkana Tribe

Turkana Tribe

Four years ago, a road was opened to travel into the desert of Kenya where an ancient tribe lived. They are the Turkana tribe. Pastor Ken and another pastor, went into the desert and were the first to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them. They once worshipped the mountain, now hundreds of them know Jesus as their personal Savior!

Mission Trips

Mission Trips

Since 2017 Genesis 2 Ministries have been taking a team to Kenya every year. We stay for 2 weeks, and every day is an adventure! We go to the Royal Gathering Children's Centre 4 days, 1 day in the desert with the Turkana tribe, bringing them food and water. The last day we finish our trip with a Safari at the Nairobi National Park. A trip that will change your life forever! If you are interested in going to Kenya, email us at

Pastor Ken Muricho Masia

Founder/Administrator of Royal Gathering Children's Centre

Pastor Ken Murchio Masia is the Founder and Administrator of Royal Gathering Children's Centre. Other ministries Pastor Ken is involved with: 1. Lead Pastor of Lavington Pentacostal Church 2. Outreach to homeless boys of their city, and the Turkana tribe, an ancient tribe in the desert of Kenya.

Mama K Helton

Founder of Genesis 2/Ambassador to Royal Gathering Children’s Center, Kitale, Kenya

Kay "K" Bateman Helton is no stranger to ministering to people where they are. Age and spiritual knowledge have never been a challenge for her. She has learned from many years of ministry, that if you truly desire to change the world, change a generation. Kay and her husband, Joel, reside in Mooresville, NC.

  • Kitale, Kenya

Genesis 2 Evangelistic Ministries was started as a non-profit in 1985 and has been used to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in many ways. In 2020 we restructured to raise funds to support the feeding program at Royal Gathering Children's Centre, and the ministries of Pastor Ken Murchio Masia.